Heron IOS Return on Investment Analysis
(Based on the production of 20 crowns and 2 Implant cases per month)
Estimate Monthly Investment: $345 @60mths / $415 @48mths
- Materials: The savings in material cost alone will pay for the Heron IOS monthly investment. (Material Savings: $410)
- Lab Savings: $20-25 discount per digital impression. 20 impressions results in a lab savings of $400-$500.
Conclusion: The lab savings alone more than covers the monthly scanner investment. Additional savings/profits total $3,508. Switching from analog to digital impressions increases practice profits, impression accuracy and makes for a more comfortable patient experience.
The return on investment is calculated from the following areas:
- Material savings
- Decrease in remakes with digital intraoral scanning
- Increased productivity with faster workflow
- Higher revenue for the practice with an increase in case acceptance and more
referrals from analog patients that desire the digital experience
Savings / Profit Type: | Profit: |
Material Savings | $410 |
Remakes Savings | $297 |
Time Saving | $1,141 |
Case Acceptance & Referrals | $1,660 |
Total | $3,508 |
Material Savings: Going with digital intraoral scanning instead of using Silicone or Alginate based analog impression material not only saves materials for the practice but also eliminates preparing and cleaning time for the practice as compared to digital intraoral scanning with the Heron Intra Oral Scanner (IOS)
Material savings: $410 per month
Less Remakes: Going with digital intraoral scanning instead of analog impression taking reduces the percentage of remakes that are associated with analog impression taking. Digital intraoral impression taking has proven to reduce remakes to less than 0.5% as compared to 3% to 5% using analog impression taking methods. Bottom line is that digital intraoral scanning is much more accurate that old fashioned analog impression taking.
Less remakes savings: $297 per month
Increased Productivity: Digital intraoral scanning is much faster than analog goo impression taking. In many cases we see full arch digital intraoral scanning performed in 3-5 minutes compared to 15+ minutes for analog impression taking. This results in time savings for clinicians allowing them to see more patients in a day. Many practices focused on digital dentistry in the USA have stated that they can complete patient treatments in half the time as compared to the analog workflow or schedule twice as many patients in a day.
Time savings : $1,141 per month
Increased Case Acceptance and Referrals: With digital intra oral scanning the clinician can directly educate their patient about their current health status and show the patient the areas that need to be treated resulting in an increase in case acceptance for the practice. It is not uncommon to see an increase in case acceptance in the range of 10-50%. Patients have consistently stated that the digital experience is more pleasant while allowing them a higher level of comfort with avoiding gaging & chocking that occurs with the analog impression workflow. When a digital patient tells their friends or family about the better experience with digital intraoral scanning the digital practice will enjoy more new patients and are more likely to keep their existing patients.
The higher case acceptance and increase in new patients amounts to: $1,660 per month